I am writing this to guide me in finding the right people to connect to and build relationships with professionally and personally. I want to embody Radha Agrawal’s principle that we have to work toward removing compartmentalizations among the people we build relationships with. The people we work with should also be the people we could eventually call our friends.

Although I will go to as much detail as I can in describing this ideal persona, I would summarize it by saying this: my ideal persona is also an extension of myself and my values. They may not be exactly like me, but they represent the people I want to see more in the world. Multiply my ideal persona and you get individuals building the utopia that I want to live in. Because of this, their psychographics is more important than their demographics.

My intention is to locate, connect, and serve the interests of my ideal persona at any given moment in my journey. I will serve them using my strengths and skills. I will do my best to align my livelihood system with their needs. I shall do this as I work toward fulfilling my quest. My goal is to live a life where I am doing what I love serving the people that I love.


My ideal audience persona is more like me. He has the following characteristics:

  • Self-directed learner. He is a self-directed learner. He chooses to create learning plans autonomously instead of relying on courses or educational institutions.
  • Generalist. He is a generalist. He is a holistic thinker, a full-spectrum thinker. He discerns that knowledge is interconnected and it is better to have a generalist perspective most of the time.
  • Moderate. He believes in moderation. He avoids extreme positions. He always tries to listen to all sides even if he disagrees with them.
  • Skeptic. He is a skeptic. He is a careful and cautious thinker. He doesn’t easily jump into conclusions without enough evidence. He wants to see things as they really are.
  • Philosophical. He is motivated by building his own worldview.
  • Intellectual. He is sophisticated in his intellectual practice. He is knowledgeable about different strategies of knowledge management. Most importantly, he has a regular intellectual practice.
  • Meaningful. While he is very intellectual, he understands the importance of having a rich emotional inner life. He seeks happiness and meaningful experiences.
  • Contemplative. He practices contemplation and meditation with the goal of developing understanding and compassion.
  • Community-oriented. He is introverted but seeks the company of others. He is someone who I want to be friends with and be in a room with. He knows that community is necessary and important in a philosphical and contemplative quest.
  • Health-enthusiast. He is deeply conscious about the importance of health and takes concrete actions to maintain it.
  • Anarchic. He values freedom deeply. He is an anarchist or at least a libertarian. He believes that the best government is something that has very little to no governance.
  • Self-actualizer and Transcender. He values growth. He wants to provide for his basic needs so he can self-actualize and eventually transcend himself.
  • Tolerant. He is not fast at judging others. He does not use the concept of morality to get what he needs. He is a moral nihilist.
  • Rational. He values rationality.
  • Appreciative. He feels awe when he sees beauty particularly in nature.
  • Intentional. He values intentionality. He uses a life management system to be very intentional in life.
  • Independent Intellectual. He is uncomfortable with spiritual and religious language but is deeply called to think about fundamental issues of life. However, he is also put off by excessive academic jargon.

This list of values and beliefs are not exhaustive. But they are basically my values and beliefs. I will add more to this list eventually. Also, this list is not an exclusion criteria. It is an ideal that represents possible connections I can build.

My mentors and peers, ideally must share these values and beliefs, but they are different from fans by virtue of them having a practice like mine (see my ideal mentors and peers).

Unprocessed thoughts

  • spiritual
  • may have gone through a trauma from dogmatic beliefs
  • Seeks a free and creative way to be
  • Into arts (esp. writing and photography)

To do